Artist Statement
Mark making is the impulse of my studio work. I use ink ,acrylics, sponges, sticks, pens and sometimes handmade tools. I most often work on paper. My drawings grow out of movement and are inspired by nature, landscape and the stuff I gather while on walks in nature. I have a great collection in my studio of natural ephemera that I have collected and use as drawing prompts.

Edmonds Connection
You can see Carol at Studio #9.
Notice on Parking:
"We got the okay from our neighbors to the south of us to have their driveway be a walk-through for those that park on High street to visit my studio. The grassy area along OVD will also be a walk through area, I will have both areas clearly marked with colorful tape and balloons. I have also attached a map for a visual. I have marked the entries and walkways with a red x.
Parking for the general public will be best on High Street or Stamm Lookout on OVD almost directly across from our house. We are reserving our driveway for disabled parking only as it requires having a person out there to manage incoming/outgoing folks because the driveway can’t hold two cars side by side.
I will have lots of signage marking these areas."