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2025 Artist Agreement and Application

Deadline: March 1st, 2025

Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025 Edmonds Art Studio Tour!

Registration is easy! Before you begin, though, you may want to gather some info, so make sure you have your business license number, image files of your work properly formatted and named (see image guidelines in the application), and a brief statement about you and your work! 

Now, let's get started! Follow these simple steps - and don't forget, everything MUST be completed and submitted by March 1st, 2025!

1. Review the 2025 Artist's Agreement.  A pdf copy of the Agreement can be downloaded below for your convenience.


2. Fill out the Web Application Form linked below, and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the Artist's Agreement.


3. Pay your Application Fee. Click the "Submit Application and Go to Checkout" button at the end of the application.

TIP: Unsure if your images are ready for upload or don't know how to fix them? Check out "Kate’s Ultimate Guide to Submitting Professional Formatted Images for the Artistically Gifted but Technologically Disinclined"!

Important Dates
Notice: We have moved to an online-only platform for our artist agreement, application payment, and image upload. Applications will not be accepted via mail or email.


Tour Mission 

The mission of the Edmonds Art Studio Tour (EAST) is to increase the visibility of the Arts in Edmonds. Its purpose is to bring people to Edmonds to see, experience and purchase art from local artists. The Tour highlights private workspaces not usually open to the public, providing a more intimate look at how an artist lives and works. This event consists of a free, 2-day public tour of approximately 20 Edmonds area art studios showcasing up to 40 local artists. 



Timeline/Important Deadlines

  • January 30th: Issuance of artist application/agreement (hosted online)

  • February 13th 5:30-6:30PM: drop-in informational session at Graphite in Edmonds. Experienced Tour Committee members will be available to answer any questions or go over your portfolio with you! We will even help you with formatting your images!

  • March 1st: artist's application and fees due (submitted via online forms)

  • No later than March 31st: announcement of this year's Tour artists

  • TBD: Anticipated date for set-up of the Preview Sale for the Edmonds Arts Festival (for participating artists)

  • June 13th - 15th: Preview of Edmonds Art Studio Tour at the Edmonds Arts Festival

  • September 20th-21st: Edmonds Art Studio Tour


Once you have read all information on this form, you may also direct your questions to: 

Joel Soderberg, Edmonds Art Studio Tour Committee Chair


EDMONDS ARTS FESTIVAL will host Tour artists again in 2025

We are excited to be able to again present/sell our work as a group in the Plaza Room during the Edmonds Arts Festival. This is referenced as Preview of  Edmonds Art Studio Tour at the Festival herein. In order to appropriately coordinate for this exciting 3-day weekend in June, we need your commitment at the time of this application to either participate in the Preview at the Festival or pass on participation in this option. Know that having a booth at the Preview Sale is optional and will not impact the selection of artists who will participate in the September Studio Tour. However, you cannot show at the Festival with the Tour artists if you do not participate in the Tour. Note more details within this agreement. 



Edmonds Art Studio Tour - Instructions for Artist Participation Consideration


Only completed applications submitted by 11:59 PM PST, March 1st, 2025 will be considered.  


Completed applications include: 


  • Artist Application and Agreement – completed and signed 

  • $195 Studio Tour Application fee - refundable if not accepted or if the Tour is canceled. 

  • If interested in Preview of EAST participation at the Edmonds Arts Festival, an additional $40 Festival Application fee - refundable if not accepted as a Tour artist or if Tour is canceled. Include one payment if interested in both Tour and Festival.   

  • 4-8 images of work – see “Image Guidelines” for details.

  • Images of the artist at work and a headshot. 


Images must be submitted with the rest of the application by 11:59 PM PST, March 1st, 2025



Studio and Guest Artists Selection: 

This is a juried show. All artists and studios will be selected through a blind jury process. Selections will be announced no later than March 31st, 2025. The following are minimum considerations used to select artists and/or studios: 

  • The Tour will consist of up to 40 local area artists and 20 working studios, as well as a website featuring participating artists and their online content for a period of time before and after the physical tour.    

  • A local artist is defined as one who has a connection to the City of Edmonds. A local artist either lives in Edmonds or an adjacent community or regularly shows their art in the city of Edmonds and/or is an on-going active member/participant in the Edmonds art community.

  • Artwork is original and high quality; the artist is considered a professional.

  • Studios must be located within the city of Edmonds and environs as determined by the committee.

  • An artist applying as a guest artist is encouraged to secure studio placement with an applying studio before the application deadline. While Edmonds Art Studio Tour will make every effort to help find a studio for guest artists, if no studio space can be found the guest artists’ application will be rejected.

  • Studios will include a “working” artist space for the hosting artist and guest artist(s).

  • Studios must have adequate accessibility and parking for guests, artists and neighbors. The Studio must be a safe environment with adequate display and walking space for artists and patrons.

  • Preference will be given to “private” studios over studios that are open to the public throughout the year.

  • Returning artists must have fulfilled their contractual obligations in previous years.


Tour Preparation: 

The Tour is only as good as its participants make it. To help make this event a success, all participants are expected to help in the following ways: 

  • Work with neighboring studios and the sign coordinator to make sure there are ample signs directing patrons to and from your studio. 

  • Help distribute at least 100 brochures, through mailing to your personal contacts and/or delivering some to area distribution points. 

  • Help promote the Tour through social media. Link to the Tour’s website on the “events” or “calendar” page of your website. 

  • Help promote the Tour by volunteering for a minimum of 2 work shifts at the Preview of EAST at the Festival. NOTE that this criteria began in 2023 for all Tour artists, regardless of your participation in the Preview. We will consider alternative ways to promote the Tour if these work shifts pose a hardship - contact Joel Soderberg at to discuss PRIOR to submitting your application.

  • Be engaging and welcoming to visitors. Visitors want to converse with the artists as well as watch them work. 

  • Volunteer to help in other areas by contacting the chair and offering your organizational talents   


Image Guidelines: 

Applications must include the submission of a minimum of four (4) up to eight (8) digital images of your work  uploaded by March 1st, 2025. These images will be used to jury your work and for use in all marketing materials. Improperly formatted or poor-quality images will be rejected. The attached tips are provided as a means of support for converting images - our committee’s volunteers are unable to lend any extra time to guide you through this.

  • Images must be in JPG format. 

  • Images should be a minimum of 5 inches (1500 pixels) on the longest side at 300 dpi. 

  • Images selected for the cover of the brochure may have to be larger, so be prepared to have an even higher quality image available. 

  • Title images the following way:  LastName_FirstName_titleofwork.JPG


Note that if selected to participate, you are granting EAST the ability to use any and all images submitted for our website or social media promotions of the Tour.


Terms and Conditions for participating in the 2025 Edmonds Art Studio Tour 


Studio Owners will: 

  • Host only registered/paid guest artists. Studio owners are encouraged to host one or more registered and paid artists as space allows. The number of artists per studio is subject to review and approval by the Studio Tour Steering Committee, with regards to the best experience of participating artists and visitors.

  • Be allowed to host a student artist (college or high school) at no additional fee; the student will be listed in the brochure and on the website. 

  • Keep the studio open during the hours of the Tour. 

  • Post sponsorship signage in a highly visible location within the studio. 

  • Provide an adequate number of A-boards for the directional signs which will be located between their studios and surrounding studios. Only professional-looking A-boards will be allowed (artist to source materials, construct and paint a solid color) and the size of the plywood and recommended hinges/strapping instructions will be provided. Only official studio tour signage may be attached.

  • Place A-boards at the recommended locations on Saturday morning of the Tour and remove them after the Tour ends Sunday evening. 

  • Pick up official tour signage at a designated date/time (if requested) for attachment to A-boards. An updated tour map and suggested signage locations will also be provided. 

  • As a means to keep fees low, returning artists are asked to safely store signage and arrows for consecutive tours.

  • Collect names and email addresses for the mailing list and zip codes of studio visitors during the Tour and submit to the Steering Committee via electronic template at the conclusion of the Tour. This electronic file is due no later than September 28, 2025. 

  • Negotiate preparation, costs, set-up, and clean-up expectations with guest artists. 

  • Adhere to the conditions listed in the "Artists" section of this agreement below. 


Artists (including Studio Owners) agree to: 

  • Pay a $195 non-refundable registration fee, due by March 1st, 2025. (Refundable if not selected to participate in the Tour or if the Tour is canceled).

  • Submit 4-8 digital images by March 1st, 2025 for Tour promotional use. Please refer to “Image Guidelines” section of this agreement regarding size and quality, or our handy resource guide for tips on how to upload compliant images.

  • Have a current Washington State Business License and any other business licenses and permits that are needed for their operation and comply with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations of county and city governments including collection of taxes. 

  • Be physically present for all Tour hours. 

  • Return a completed individual participant’s electronic survey by September 28th, 2025. This includes reporting the artist’s gross sales from the tour, excluding tax. Only group sales totals will be published.

  • Maintain an online presence that showcases the artist’s work, including the types of work which will be sold during the tour. It is ideal that this is a website, however a dedicated Facebook or Instagram page (not a personal Facebook or Instagram page) will also be allowed. 

  • All logistics for accommodating a guest artist are at the discretion of the host and guest. 

  • Not hold the Tour or any of its participants, planners or sponsors responsible for any level of sales. Participation in this Tour does not guarantee sales. 

  • Agree to abide by the terms and conditions as stated in the Edmonds Art Studio Tour Artist Application and Agreement, including the Insurance and Artist Waiver (below).

  • Give permission to publish their name, artist information, and images of their artwork in the Tour Brochure, Tour Website and for general Tour promotion.

  • Acknowledge that information submitted with the application will be retained on a private, secure server managed by the Edmonds Art Studio Tour Steering Committee.

  • Have access to an email system. All Tour communication is via email and every artist is responsible for knowing what is contained in these messages.

  • Verify accuracy of information and/or request changes of information, such as website content, by specified deadlines.  Respect that our volunteer committee has other obligations as well.

  • Promote the tour by distributing at least 100 Tour brochures and sharing social media posts from the tour’s Facebook and/or Instagram outlets.

  • Promote the tour by volunteering for a minimum of 2 work shifts at the Preview of EAST during the Edmonds Arts Festival.

  • Please refrain from sending independent press releases to media outlets.  Any individual advertising, solicitation and/or promotion with respect to the Tour must have prior approval from the Tour Steering Committee.   


Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in suspension from the Tour the following year.


Preview of EAST at the Festival:

Instructions for Artist Participation Consideration

2025 Tour artists are invited to participate in an additional optional event. The Edmonds Arts Festival will host a Preview of EAST which will include sales and artist demonstrations on the Edmonds Plaza during Father's Day weekend, June 14th-16th, 2025. The purpose of this event is to promote the Tour and provide Tour artists with an additional opportunity to sell their work. 


The "Preview of Edmonds Art Studio Tour" will include artist demonstrations. All artists are invited, but not required to give live demonstrations, regardless of participation with the preview sale. Artists wishing to demonstrate, but not sell their work may do so at no additional fee.


Artists wishing to offer their artwork for sale during this event will pay an additional $40 with this application and agree to the Festival requirements. You are not required to be at your booth during the entire Festival weekend. Instead, our artists sign-up for work shifts as a means to support and promote the Preview and Tour artists as a whole.


Terms and Conditions for participating in the 2025 Tour Preview Sale at the Festival: 


Tour at the Festival Artists agree to:

  • Pay $40 to help cover sales desk and advertising needs associated with the Festival event. (Refundable if not selected to participate in the Tour or if the Tour is canceled).

  • Pay 25% commission on all work sold during the Festival and not participate in under-the-table or delayed sales to evade the commission.

  • Work a minimum of (3) 2-3-hour shifts at the check-out table, as a floater, or as a greeter during Festival hours. This does NOT include demonstration time. 

  • Promote and work as a collective for the benefit of the entire Tour and not just sell for their own benefit.

  • Submit an electronic itemized inventory sheet to EAF treasurer by their designated deadline (approximately 5 days prior to Festival). A template will be provided.

  • Tag each sale item with an inventory number and price; attached either with a sticker or hang tag.

  • Price each item individually with no quantity discounts.

  • Take responsibility for providing their own professional looking display, using only the amount of space allotted to them.

  • Drape any tables to the floor with black table cloths. Additional layers of color may be used to enhance their display. (Rectangular tables of approximately 6’ in length are available onsite at no additional cost.)

  • Display must be family friendly.

  • Once display is set up, check out with one or both Preview Co-Chairs to ensure display compliance.

  • Be present during set up and break down times, including helping with collective Tour setup/breakdown needs. (Setup is estimated to be done Wednesday, June 12th and Thursday, June 13th, breakdown is Sunday 5:00 PM immediately after the Festival.) Note that all participating artists are responsible for breaking down their individual booths and restoring the entire event space to its original state.

  • Abide by any rules set forth by EAF and/or City of Edmonds. 


Insurance and Artist Waiver

The Studio Tour’s liability insurance covers damage to the studios, or injury to an individual caused by the Tour. It does not cover participating artist’s artwork. The artist assumes all risk of loss or damage to the artist’s property. By signing this Registration/Agreement, the artist agrees to hold harmless the Edmonds Art Studio Tour, Edmonds Arts Festival, their officers, agents, directors, sponsors/advertisers, Studio Tour steering committee members or chairpersons, and participating studio owners from any and all injuries to persons or theft or damage to property of host or guest artists property.




PDF Copy of the Artist Agreement is available here for your records.


Requirements for Studio Owners
Application Requirements
Requirements for All Artists
Tour Preview at the Festival Requirements

This year, for your convenience and ours, we are offering a streamlined application for 2024 participants to update their information. Returning artists are not guaranteed acceptance.


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube
Reason(s) for contact:

Thanks for submitting!

© 2025 by Edmonds Art Studio Tour. Individual Artists hold their own copyrights. All Rights Reserved.


Funded in part by the City of Edmonds Arts Commission Tourism Promotion Fund through City of Edmonds Lodging Tax funds.

Presented by the Edmonds Arts Festival.

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